Youth and Socialization

The young man is a class young man who still require training and development towards the better. youth in Indonesia today is very diverse, especially when associated with educational opportunities. Such diversity is basically not result in differences in coaching and youth development.
The process of life experienced by Indonesian youths every day both within the family, school, and community brings a great influence in fostering the attitude to be able to live in society. This process can be referred to as socialization.
Youth in the sense of the young men, but in Indonesia in connection with the youth development programs and written detailed understanding of youth with certainty. Judging from the age group, the young people of Indonesia are as follows:
Infancy: 0-1 years
Period of the child: 1-12 years
Puber Period: 12 - 15 years
Period of Youth: 15-21 years
Adulthood: 21 years and older
In terms of political ideology, youth are those aged 18 - 30 - 40 years, because it is a candidate for replacement of previous generations. Definition of youth by age and place of the institution and the scope of youth is composed of 3 categories namely:
· Students, aged between 6-18 years old, still attending school
· Students aged between 18 - 25 years beradi in universities and colleges
· Youth outside the school environment and higher education to those who are aged 15-30 years and above.
Youth Socialization
Through the process of socialization, a youth will lead a way of thinking and habits of his life. With the process of socialization, one becomes knowing how he should behave in the midst of society and cultural environment. From the state does not or has not been socialized, being human and civilized society. In this case defined as the process of socialization that helps individuals through learning and adapting, how the search for life and how to think gar group can play a role and function within the group. Socialization is one of the cultural learning process of members of the community and its relationship Degnan social system.

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